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Kalagnanam in Telugu

WHEREAS the SETTLOR has Established a Trust:
To Construct a hall in the name of trust for the purpose of meditation, Yoga etc. and Which shall be open  to all persons irrespective of the cast. create, religion, ie.. open to the public at large.
To propagate the philosophy, idols, concepts, preaching’s and teachings etc of Srimad Bhaghavan “SRI MADVIRAT POTHULURI VEERABRAHMENDRA SWAMI ”
To provide books, uniforms to poor students.

To conduct nutritional and health services in rural areas.

To provide such help to poor patience by providing medicines.
To provide such help like monetary assistance and social services in case of natural calamities.
To providing services to mentally retarded, crippled and other physically handicapped children both directly or through other institutions engaged in helping them.
To provide such assistances or succor to provide literacy educational and vocational training programs to help women in distress.
To provide succor to the needy and indigent persons for treatment and medical care at the discretion of the trust.
To establish colleges and institutions.
The properties and funds of the trust shall not be utilized for any other purpose other than the trust purpose.

Our Trust 1st Kalajgnam Prachara commitee meeting was held on date : 22/1/2012 At Trust Office.
SRI MADVIRAT POTHULURI VEERABRAHMENDRA SWAMI Inti nta Kalajgnam Prachara Programme was started. Thousands of People was Participated. Our Cheif Gust and Working President Mr. D Kali Das., Eswari Devi Pitadhipati Sri Sri Siva Kumara swami, Yadagiri AICC Member., Kanaka Chari TDP BC Cell General Secretary, Lakashmana Chari TDP Leader, Vadla Nagasha Chari Congress General Secretary, Raja Sekhar Managing Trustee, Dr. Hari Kumar Scientist, T.V Ramana, CC to Home Ministry of AP, Nageswarao purohit was Attended. Thanks for All of them.
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